GeokeysSince 26th from 30th of May, took place the XXI internationalization week, which is one of the most important events in Catalonia, referring to business internationalization.

During that week, different conferences are carried out along the whole territory, in order to discover new destinations to expand, where it would be a major index of success and which opportunities will bring, among others.

In one of this conferences organized by ACCIÓ, tittle as “Electric Mobility in Germany: Keys to take part in the Europe motor bet”, was revealed the “National plan of electric mobility development”, whose objective is achieve 1 million electric vehicles on the streets by 2020. The conference was carried out by Mr. Diego Guri, expansion director AMEC, by the Mrs. Angela Hendris, Director CPN ACCIÓ Stuttgart and by Mrs. Elena Antonijuan, German market consultant in ACCIÓ.

The objective is really ambitious, and that’s the reason why it is necessary to start some actions in order to enhance and upgrade that kind of vehicle. in the following articles will be informed about some of the actions that are being carried out right now in order to achieve the objective.