

2015-11-23T11:36:38+00:00November 23rd, 2015|Categories: Chargers|

DESCRIPTION FEATURES SOFTWARE & COMMUNICATIONS SUPPORT     DESCRIPTION: The ETECNIC ROAD charging station series have been designed for rapid charging in public areas. They permit the vehicle charging process in direct current at a great power, ensuring the maximum security, simplicity and speed. These charging stations transmit the power directly to the vehicle's battery, resulting in a greater efficiency of the charging [...]


2015-11-23T11:30:18+00:00November 23rd, 2015|Categories: Chargers|

DESCRIPTION FEATURES SOFTWARE & COMMUNICATIONS SUPPORT     DESCRIPTION: These equipment present a current inlet according to the IEC 62196-2 standard, allowing to charge in mode 3 (IEC 61851), guaranteeing a secure charging process. In addition, the charging station has a domestic input to charge in modes 1 and 2. Both inputs feature a cable retention and blocking system in order to avoid [...]


2015-11-23T11:21:40+00:00November 23rd, 2015|Categories: Chargers|

DESCRIPTION FEATURES SOFTWARE & COMMUNICATIONS SUPPORT     DESCRIPTION: The ETECNIC CITY charging station has been specially conceived for an urban installation. Thus, it features an anti-vandal protection that makes it suitable for outdoor environments. These equipment present a current inlet according to the IEC 62196-2 standard, allowing to charge in mode 3 (IEC 61851), guaranteeing a secure charging process. In addition, the [...]


2015-11-23T11:14:24+00:00November 23rd, 2015|Categories: Chargers|

DESCRIPTION FEATURES SOFTWARE & COMMUNICATIONS SUPPORT     DESCRIPTION: La nueva estación de carga urbana ETECNIC CITY Duo ha sido diseñada siguiendo la norma internacional IEC 61851, y permite cargar dos vehículos eléctricos al mismo tiempo. Estas estaciones de carga son aptas para su instalación en interior y en exterior, ya que presentan un grado de protección antivandálico y de intemperie. Dependiendo del modelo de batería, [...]

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